Linux Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) Internals


I came across the slides of a presentation by J. Donenfeld on Linux/OpenBSD Kernel Random Number Generators (RNG). In one of the slides, a weakness in the generator has been mentioned. The original design is based on the paper “Twisted GFSR Generators” by Matsumoto and Kurita. 92' paper describes an elegant way to make use of a generalized feedback shift register to generate a key stream. However, the implementation did not follow the paper’s assumptions that makes the generator vulnerable. Here is a brief study of the PRNG included in the Linux Kernel for the curious.

Building Morph Networks in Hydra


I use Morph to deploy my NixOS network for a while and I am pretty happy about it. Lately, I’ve decided to add a little machine to the network that is an aarch64/RPI3. However, my custom kernel patches and configurations require a kernel rebuild every once in a while a new version of Linux is released. This made the wait times insurmountable so I decided to give Hydra a try. However, I was not able to find instructions specific to building Morph networks in Hydra. This article is mostly a self-note with the inclusion of a missing piece in the puzzle.

Fixing(*) Wireguard


I must admit the title is a little bit misleading. Wireguard is a very nice tunneling implementation by J. Donenfeld. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with it. However where I live, the protocol is crippled and somewhat blocked by the provider firewalls. Join me while I prescribe a solution to the problem and prevail as a Wireguard fan!

Secondary Port of a SAS Drive


I was curious about a SAS drive that has a secondary port which is basically comprised of a pair of differential signals, TX/RX. However my HBA and backplane were not compliant with these redundant server drives so I decided to devise a patch.

A Cheap Molex Pin Extractor


I was tasked to re-use an old ATX Molex. However, how hard I tried with my stainless-steel tweezers I was unable to remove any pin. So I dediced to look for a tool. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find one other than the ones on AliExpress. No time to wait for shipping, decided to look for a solution. In this article, I’m gonna describe a tool by modifying a monopole whip antenna that can be found attached to old radio.

AFL Internals - Stats, Counters and the UI


In a previous article, AFL stages are explained in detail. This time, I’ll try to go over the elements that make up the user interface. There are plenty of stats generated by a fuzzing session. For instance, you can track the overall progress by counters such as cycles done, total paths, unique crashes and unique hangs. Join to learn more.

AFL Internals - Stages


In this article, I’ll go over the various fuzzing stages included in AFL. These are bitflip, arithmetic, interesting, extras, havoc and splice. Do you think all these stages are deterministic? Or else, do you want to know the probabilistic ones? Read on.

AFL Internals - libtokencap


In a previous article, I’ve covered American Fuzzy Lop Internals. This time, I am going to look into a library called libtokencap included in AFL. The name suggests that it is related to capturing tokens and it is true. It allows capturing constants at runtime. So why do we need such a shared library? Read on.

AFL Internals - Instrumentation


American Fuzzy Lop is a fuzzer developed by lcamtuf and many others joined him to make it better. For example, a forkserver is designed by J. Horn for faster target executions. Also, the pre-assembly pass has been replaced by a proper LLVM pass written by L. Szekeres. In this article, I’m going to give a shot to explain the internals since it is almost always pleasant to follow brilliant people’s work.

Psychic Signatures in Java OpenJDK


This was a surprise I must admit. Did not name it either. Never thought I’ll see such a flaw in a signature algorithm. If you have any OpenJDK version from 15 to 18 in production, read on.

The Mystery of 248 and Cofactor DH


I was reading the OpenSSH portable codebase trying to dig out anything interesting and saw very strange lines of code during the key generation of Ed25519 signature algorithm. Curious as always started digging whether or not it is legitimate.


Phew, it’s been a long time. It doesn’t even start with /sbin/init anymore. It is replaced by systemd. Maybe we are all obsolete and replaced.